This list is relatively short and if you don't see a tool you're looking for, email us. We likely have something for you.
Email Kat & her TEAM
Free Resources for You
Math, Forecasting and Tracking

I have not created all of this content. It is a collection of created and curated tools gathered over the years. When curated, I credit contributors clearly.

Excel - Financial Forecast
Excel - Basic Rev Mod
Excel - Hotel Fin Model
Excel - Food Truck Fin Model
Excel - Food Truck Fin Model 2
Excel - Event Budgeting
Excel - Event Budgeting 2
Excel - Coffee Shop Fin Model
Excel - Advanced Business Fin Model
Excel - Suggested Restaurant COA for Clear Bookkeeping
Excel - Basic Financial Forecasting
Excel - Catering Proposal (specialized, will likey need clarification)
Team Building & Development

These are fun and interactive activities you can conduct at team meetings to engage your people; help them bond with each other and with management.

PDF - The 10 Minute Challenge
PDF - House of Cards
PDF - Hello, My Name Is
PDF - Group Resume
PDF - Fact or Fiction
PDF - Cartoon Character
PDF - A New Leader
Self Development

For me, mind maps are a fantastic way to think through a thing. I make mind maps for everything I'm trying to learn and understand thoroughly. They are not for all. If you are a highly linear thinker, you will find them distracting to a fault. Otherwise, you might find some of these helpful.

I have opted not to share the mind maps themselves as it would require you to own compatible mind mapping software. Instead, I've created graphics and PDF's. In my opinion, they do not do a mind map justice but it's better than not sharing the ideas.

BE CLEAR: You will find the graphics a good reference and little more. You will find the PDF's daunting unless you have a guide, sherpa, coach, or accountability partner; someone to hold your feet to the fire and your brain to the task.

An Example

Resolve a Conflict
PDF - Resolve a Conflict
Leading through Change
Leadership & Culture
PDF - Leadership & Culture
Execution When you're already in Action
PDF - Execution When you're already in Action
Engage & Mobilize
PDF - Engage & Mobilize
Company Culture-Simplified
Communicate Simply & Powerfully
PDF - Communicate Simply & Powerfully